
2019 / 05 / 10 Fri.

13:20 - 17:30

  • 第一場



  • 主持人


    陳泰松 / 知名藝評人

  • 與談人


    潘小雪 / 台北當代藝術館館長
    陳俊宏 / 國家人權博物館館長
    黃建宏 / 國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所所長

  • 第二場



  • 主持人


    吳介祥 / 國立彰化師範大學美術系副教授

  • 與談人


    彭仁郁 / 中研院民族所副研究員
    曹欽榮 / 《自由遺產:台灣228、白恐紀念地》作者
    蔡海如 / 藝術家

About 活動介紹

第一場 13:20-15:20 「正義如何美學?」 正義美學化,或是藝術正義化?這兩個命題有些隱話,像是班雅明曾提出的政治對立項,法西斯的政治美學化(Aestheticisation of politics),以及共產主義用來對抗前者的藝術政治化(Politicisation of art)。然而,兩者顯然無法匹配,因為“正義化”是不當的言詞,或含混其詞,往往是既得利益者、保守陣營或甚至是法西斯主義者的反動修辭。 我們採取的陳述立場無寧是:正義:一場美學之旅——或說,什麼是美學的事?靈感來自政治哲學家桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)風行一時的通俗著作《正義:一場思辨之旅》(Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?),直譯是“正義:什麼是做對的事?”。這裡沒有正義化的辭令,可以有的是justify,是為…辯護,證明…正當(或有理的、正確的),是justification的法律與神學之義。 劉霞/蔡海如聯展「呼吸鞦韆」對應了這個詞彙的美學視野,因而問題在於後者的裝置《生命之花》是如何對應前者的娃偶攝影,替攝影中受迫生命辯護?這是基於思想自由的彼此互證,在面對當代中國的黨國體制,「呼吸鞦韆」要證成怎樣的正義尚待實現? 第二場 15:30-17:30 「藝術,在正義的餘地?」 正義有時間性嗎? 除了法律條例的補償與行政措施,正義的場域在於它的公共性,要求共同體給受害者以公義,得以昭雪。於是,正義始終是遲來的,不會是當下,原因很簡單,暴力先行。這不是說“沒有暴力,哪來正義”,而是說:它懸在理念或陳述之中,總是在不義暴力肆虐後,落下它的仲裁力量。 於是,若想要召回、挽回因不義的失去,依靠正義是不可能,因為正義是無法真正彌補既已失去的生活、權益、甚至生命;在正義面前,失去是無法度的。無論是文字、造型或影像,藝術作為詩學能否突破正義的時間性,在正義的政治場域之外,它的前與後或周圍餘地,發出另一種聲音?而轉型正義與藝術能有何關係? 1,何謂正義?既然要轉型正義(transitional Justice),或正確地說,“轉型的”正義,它有本質的內容,所以才有質性的轉變? 2,在轉型正義的政治概念下,若藝術可“說情”(intercede),它能調解什麼?說服彼此的什麼?







Notice Copyright & Privacy Policy

Copyright Notice

MOCA Taipei holds a high respect for the copyright of others, and it is stated in MOCA Taipei’s terms of service that any user of the museum’s service shall not infringe on others’ copyright. Therefore, MOCA Taipei hereby ask all our users to respect others’ copyright. If you think any of the content on MOCA Taipei’s website or anyone using MOCA Taipei’s service has infringed on your copyright, we strongly advice to you to file a complaint according to the regulations stated below, and MOCA Taipei customer service center will initiate related procedures as soon as possible.

  • Regulations Governing the Report on Copyright Infringement

    If any of the content on MOCA Taipei’s website or anyone using MOCA Taipei’s service has infringed on your copyright, please fill out the “Copyright Infringement Notice,” provide the information and statements listed on the notice, and send them to MOCA Taipei via fax.

    1. Signature of the copyright owner or the signature of the proxy of the copyright owner; document proving the ownership of the copyright and the copyrighted contents, i.e. the cover and related pages of a publication, print-outs of webpage contents and the URL.

    2. The webpage and URL containing the contents that cause the copyright infringement.

    3. Your contact address and phone number.

    4. A written statement stating that you believe the use of the webpage content is without the consent of the copyright owner, the proxy of the copyright owner, or the authorization of the law.

    5. A written statement confirming that the information you state in the notice is truthful and you hereby make the statement as the copyright owner or the proxy of the copyright owner.

  • MOCA Taipei’s principle of handling the report on copyright infringement:

    1. MOCA Taipei will remove the webpage content claimed to cause the copyright infringement as soon as possible after receiving your notice, and will inform the user about the infringement via email. If the said user objects to said infringement, MOCA Taipei can provide your name, email or phone number to said user so that direct communication can be achieved to resolve the dispute.

    2. According to MOCA Taipei’s privacy policy and related regulations, MOCA Taipei is only allowed to provide a user’s personally identifiable information to a third party by the request of the law or a governmental agency unless said user agrees or for the purpose of providing a service. Therefore, when you file a report, MOCA Taipei will only remove the contents causing the copyright infringement, and will not provide you any personally identifiable information of said user. If you wish to obtain the user’s information, a legal proceeding must be filed at the District Prosecutor’s Office or the Criminal Investigation Bureau, who will issue an official letter to MOCA Taipei requesting the user’s information. In the case, MOCA Taipei will comply accordingly.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

MOCA Taipei values user’s privacy very much and has implemented the following privacy and data protection policy, which is listed below for your reference.

The privacy and data protection policy includes MOCA Taipei’s management of personal identifiable information collected when providing users the website service as well as MOCA Taipei’s management of any personal identifiable information shared between the museum and our business partners.

The privacy and data protection policy is not applicable to any enterprise other than MOCA Taipei, nor does it apply to those that are not staff or managements employed by MOCA Taipei.

When you register a MOCA Taipei account, use MOCA Taipei’s products or services, browse MOCA Taipei’s website, take part in related promotional activities or gifting programs, MOCA Taipei will collect your personal identifiable information. MOCA Taipei is also allowed to obtain said information from our business partners.

When you register a MOCA Taipei account, you will be asked to provide your name, email, date of birth, sex, work title, field of profession and personal interests. Once your registration is successful and the account is successfully logged into for the use of our service, we will be able to recognize you.

MOCA Taipei also automatically receive and record the server data on your browser, including IP address, the information in MOCA Taipei’s cookie and the record of visited webpages.

MOCA Taipei uses the information for the following purposes: to improve advertisement and webpage contents provided for you, to complete your request for a certain product and to notify you about a special event or new project.

MOCA Taipei will not sell or loan your personal identifiable information to anyone.

In the following circumstances, MOCA Taipei will provide your personal identifiable information to a governmental agency, an individual or a company.

To obtain your consent before sharing the information with other individuals or companies.

To provide a requested product or service, which requires sharing your information with other individuals or companies.

To provide a requested product or service, which requires providing the information to companies providing the product or service on behalf of MOCA Taipei. (Without our notice in advance, these companies will not have the right to use the personal information we provided for purposes other than provide a product or service.

To abide the law or the request of a governmental agency.

When an action on the website violates MOCA Taipei’s terms of service or the specific user’s guidelines of a product or service.

Other information required to be disclosed by the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law or other regulations.

To protect user’s privacy and personal data, MOCA Taipei is not allowed to look up other user’s account information for you. Should you need to look up someone else’s information due to legal issues, please contact the police to file a legal proceeding. MOCA Taipei will fully cooperate with the police to provide necessary information to assist with the investigation and solve the case.

MOCA Taipei will access your computer setup to extract MOCA Taipei’s cookie.

MOCA Taipei allows the companies that place advertisements on the museum website to access your computer setup and extract cookies. Other companies will follow their own privacy and data protection policies to use cookies instead of MOCA Taipei’s policy. Other advertisers or companies are not allowed to extract MOCA Taipei’s cookie.

When MOCA Taipei conducts tasks related to our products and services, web beacons are used to access our website network to use cookies.

MOCA Taipei’s users have the right to revise their personal MOCA Taipei account information and set up personal preferences anytime, including the option as to whether you would like to receive notifications about special events or new products.

Based on the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law, when the purpose of using your personal information expires, MOCA Taipei will provide the service to delete your account and data. However, to do so, please contact us via telephone.

MOCA Taipei adopts a method that conforms to the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law to protect your personal information.

To protect your privacy and safety, the data in your MOCA Taipei account will be password-protected.

Under some circumstances, MOCA Taipei uses the standard SSL security system to ensure the safety of data transmission.

MOCA Taipei has the right to revise our policies at any time necessary. When the regulations regarding using personal information are extensively revised, public announcements will be made on our website to inform you about the revisions.

Please tell us your ideas and suggestions here.