布拉德的詩歌曾經刊於《紐約時報》、《African Voices》、《Moko Magazine》和《Eleven Eleven》。他在紐約市立學院和哥倫比亞大學分別取得政治科學學士和碩士學位,首部散文詩歌集《Everywhere Alien》將由 Moore Black Press 出版。
Poet, author, mixed-media performance artist, and activist Brad Walrond is one of the foremost writers of the 1990s Black Arts Movement centered in Brooklyn, New York City. Brad’s work focuses on development of human consciousness by exploring the prisms of race, desire, identity, sacred practice, and science.
Brad’s poetry is published in the New York Times, African Voices, Moko Magazine, and Eleven Eleven. Brad received his BA in Political Science from the City College of New York; MA in Political Science from Columbia University. His first collection of prose and poems Everywhere Alien will be published on Moore Black Press.
Born in Tainan, Taiwan, 1984.
Currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen Ching-Yuan received his M.F.A. in 2013 from the School of Fine Arts of the Taipei National University of the Arts. In recent years, Chen Ching-Yuan attempts to capture through his painting the subtle sensibility that weaves through literature, mythology, and history in different cultural contexts. The artist's unique compositions coalesce into a constellation of images where the absence of the temporal element and the fragmentation of meaning elicit unexpected narrative parallels between the artist's imaginary worlds and the essence of humanity.
2011年4 月號《PAR 表演藝術》雜誌選為「十位表演藝術新勢力」之一。
《PAR 表演藝術》雜誌選為2012 戲劇類年度風雲人物。
Chien Li-Ying is a Taiwanese playwright and director. She was born in Yuanlin, Changhua in 1984. Li-Ying received her BA degree in Theatre Arts from Chinese Culture University and majored in MFA Playwriting at Taipei National University of the Arts.
Chien Li-Ying was selected as one of the Top 10 Promising Theatre Artists by Performing Arts Review magazine in 2011, she was also awarded Outstanding Theatre Artist by the same magazine in 2012. In 2015, Li-Ying was the Resident Artist of National Theater & Concert Hall.
Born in Taichung in 1986, Chuang Chih-Wei has a mixed background of art and architecture. He is expert at creating sites and interactive devices by using light and space to explore the relationship between people and the environment. He keeps pursuing cross-domain blending in his creation process to present artistic aesthetic with both rationality and sensibility.
Elena Redaelli is a researcher and a nomadic creator. In her projects she explores matter, transformation, processes of generation and decay involving different levels of control and challenging the boundaries of authorship and active intervention. Sometimes the material takes the lead, other times the participants or the environment itself, resulting in a constant process of transformation, improvisation and exchange. The act of art making is an interrogative process within a new environment and her personal way to get closer to new cultures and people.
Taiwan HivStory Association is organized by people infected with HIV. They have collected articles about AIDS in Taiwan and attempted to build a new way of communication with the society by creating different works. They believe that AIDS is not only a public health issue, but also an issue related to law, politics, and human rights.
潔西卡.惠特布德 (1980) 為藝術家和社運人士,現居於加拿大和吉爾吉斯。她的工作跨足社會實踐和社區藝術,結合藝術和社會運動,與背景多元的民眾進行思辨與對話。她的長期計畫眾多,包括《LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN》(2012) 、《Tea Time》(2012) 、《No Pants No Problem》(2004);她也是「PosterVirus」(2011) 共同策展人。她的作品觸及40 多國,展於加拿大、美國、澳洲、挪威和荷蘭。2014 年,她更出版攝影集《Tea Time: Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living with HIV》,記錄自己的社區藝術實踐。
Jessica Whitbread (1980) is an artist and activist based in Canada/Kyrgyzstan. She works in the realm of social practice and community art, merging art and activism to engage a diversity of audiences in critical dialogue. Her ongoing projects include LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN (2012), Tea Time (2012), No Pants No Problem (2004) and is a cocurator of PosterVirus (2011); her work has been activated in over 40 different countries and shown in Canada, US, Australia, Norway and The Netherlands. In 2014, Jessica published Tea Time: Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living with HIV a photo collection of her community arts practice.
J Triangular is an independent curator, queer poet, experimental filmmaker/DIY video artist, and analog photographer, making art projects that speak about resistance, gender dynamics and memory landscapes. Her work often consists of poetic portraits of the unresolved social violences of history, and the rupture of identity in a culture of manufactured fear and legally institutionalized discrimination. Her work consistently addresses themes including counterculture and music, queer community identity and self-empowerment, radical forms of queer memory and resistance, social transformation, art and collective action with the use of accessible technologies, camcorder activism, promoting communication and links of solidarity.
Kairon Liu is a visual artist and an independent curator. His creation and research reflect the belief observed in daily life. He studies the meaning and symbol of particular objects to topic of research and turns it into visual symbols in his work, which brings out discussion of social issues such as, religious beliefs, contagious diseases, and collective values. He is accustomed to conducting projects from the perspective of a facilitator. He establishes links by in-depth interviews and collaborative creation methods.
臺灣的藝術家、導演,關注性別、政治、原住民、白色恐怖、國族認同等議題。曾獲國藝會實驗電影獎助、芝加哥藝術學院新藝術家獎學金等獎項,多以新媒體進行參與式創作(Participatory Art)。
Lee Tzu-Tung is a Taiwanese artist and director; her works concern gender, politics, indigenous people, White Terror, and national identification issues. She won awards such as Experimental Film Funds from NCAF and New Society Artists Scholarship from SAIC. She often uses new media to create her participatory art project.
Luo Jr-shin (born 1984, Taiwan) graduated from Taipei National University of Arts in 2010. His practice revolves around the experimentation of a variety of traditional and unconventional materials. Ranging from clay, resin, digital printing, everyday objects, to food, chemicals, and scent, this host of substances are vehicles through which Luo investigates the underlying spirituality and human condition in our representational world.
The beloved is I walk towards the glorious sun against the light.
英國人,生於 1954 年,以跨領域藝術實踐聞名,使用的媒材豐富多元,包括電影(錄像)、裝置、戲劇、詩歌、舞蹈、漫畫和音樂。范.庫克跟隨她的龐克樂團「The Innocents」和「The Clash」樂團巡演,後搬至紐約定居,並在東村開設具有重要地位的「Ground Zero」藝廊(1983-2001)。她後來與詹姆斯.羅貝格 (James Romberger) 合作,為已故 AIDS 社運人士大衛.瓦納羅維奇(David Wojnarowicz)撰寫圖文回憶錄《7 Miles a Second》,2007 年,她擔任「Howl! 藝術節」的執行總監,積極為藝術家提供免費醫療保健服務「HOWL! HELP」。她致力推動各地 GLBTQI 族群和 HIV/AIDS 感染者的權益。
Marguerite Van Cook (British, b.1954) is known for her multidisciplinary practice, which uses a wide variety of mediums that includes film (video), installation, theater, poetry, dance, comics and music. Van Cook moved to New York after her punk band The Innocents toured with The Clash (1978) and opened the seminal East Village gallery Ground Zero (1983-2001). She later collaborated with James Romberger on the art for“7 Miles a Second,” the late AIDS activist David Wojnarowicz’s graphic memoir. In 2007, she became Executive Director of the Howl! Festival and worked to establish HOWL! HELP, a free health service for artists. She is an advocate for the GLBTQI community and people living with HIV/AIDS everywhere.
Van Cook holds a B.A. and M.A. in Modern European Studies from Columbia University and a M.Phil. in French from the Graduate Center, CUNY. Van Cook is an adjunct professor at Hunter College, CUNY.
Taiwan Lourdes Association has been caring and serving individuals and families affected by HIV for 20 years. Regardless of their background, sex orientation, gender, or ethnic group, the association is committed to enhance their life quality, humanity, dignity, and value by consultations with professional social workers, proper supports, and mutual assistance services. It is dedicated to inspire passion of life and power to put dreams into actions. The association adheres to the beliefs and values mentioned above and developed five service guiding principles, including embracing difference, caring with sympathy, gaining empowerment, pursuing justice, fearless to challenges.
Sean Cheng graduated from Institute of Computer Science and Engineering of National Chiao Tung University. After taking classes in the Institute of Applied Art, he became interested in new media art and is expert at utilizing new media with programming to create new experience. For this exhibition, he collaborates with Taiwan Lourdes Association and creates a new body of work.
As an artist and filmmaker, Shu Lea Cheang has worked with various art mediums and film formats, including installation, performance, net art, public art, video installation, feature length film and mobile web serial. As a net art pioneer, her Brandon (1998-1999) was the first web art commissioned and collected by the Guggenheim Museum in New York. She has been crafting her own film genre of new queer cinema, calling them ecocybenoia (Fresh Kill, 1994), scifi cyberpunk (I.K U, 2000), scifi cyphepunk (FluidØ, 2017).
影視暨舞台劇編劇,2018年獲亞洲文化協會 ACC 贊助,前往紐約進行藝術家駐村交流,並出版有劇作電子書《逆旅—一個關於謝雪紅的單人旅行》、《愛滋味》。劇場作品有:《逆旅》、《寄居》、《愛滋味》、《像我這樣的查某人》、《拼裝家族》、《白色說書人》、《微塵.望鄉》等,影像作品有:《刺蝟男孩》、《長不大的爸爸》、《降生十二星座》、植劇場《積木之家》、植劇場《天黑請閉眼》、植劇場《花甲男孩轉大人》、NETFLIX 首支華語原創影集《罪夢者》、電影《花甲大人轉男孩》。
Screenwriter and playwright based in Taiwan. Supported by Asian Cultural Council’s 2018 fellowship program, he participated in the New York artist-in-residence program for cultural exchange and artistic experimentation. He published two e-books, Self Re-Quests and Touching My Mind. His theater works include Self Re-Quest, Homeless, Women in the Rain, Touching My Mind, Borrowed Family, White Storyteller, and Homecoming. He has several TV shows produced, including Boys can Fly, Spring Beauty, Baby Daddy, House of Toy Bricks, Close Your Eyes before It’s Dark, A Boy Named Flora A, and Bardo, the first Netflix’s Asia original show. He also has written a feature, Back to the Good Times. Boys can Fly won 49th Golden Bell Awards for the best screenplay.