
Taiwan’s New Photography Generation

2011 / 01 / 28 Fri.

2011 / 03 / 20 Sun.

10:00 - 18:00

  • 地點


    MoCA Studio

About 展覽介紹


「台灣新世代攝影」邀集了十三位相當活躍的攝影新秀:鐘順龍、鄧博仁、馮君藍、張哲榕、張小成、陳斌華&楊鎮豪、周志龍、李宣儀、林芝宇、江思賢、王琬瑜、David H.。希望透過他們的作品呈現出新世代的影像觀,突破前人對於攝影創作傳統保守的認知,與設計、繪畫與數位科技媒材相互結合,激盪出轉變的可能性。這群創作者重視以「表達個人化風格」為主軸,創作的媒介選擇與過程是自由觀的展現,作品對他們而言,是一種面對生活的態度與個人情緒的投射。有別於以「社會事件」為作品的核心,新世代的藝術家們活在當下,重視個人意志與自我的展現,積極地引導觀賞者進入預設的情境之中。

在年輕世代裡,新的思維與視覺的突破激發出多元的攝影樣貌,台灣攝影的發展中,相機取得的容易是攝影普及的因素,拍攝與生活的結合成為一股潮流,經由網路的傳播,年輕人們彼此交流、分享拍攝的經驗,勇於展現自我的影像。而透過本次的展覽,希望匯集更多新世代的攝影愛好者,鼓勵他們在流行文化當道的同時也能投入此一創作領域,創造出與現今複雜社會對話的多樣性,帶動台灣攝影的未來走向,並勾勒出一個可能的新世代攝影樣貌 。
Contemporary photography has become one of the most prominent trends in the worldwide development of visual arts. The stabilized political and economical environment in Taiwan opened the doors for young photographers to experience firsthand an open society. The impact of the Internet, with its boundlessness and cultural variety, has also become an essential element in their creations. As consequence, the themes and methods of expressions in their works transcend the connotation of traditional photography, allowing them to become part of the developing trends of photography across the world. Each artist is given a stage to showcase their skills and talents.

Taiwan’s New Photography Generation invites thirteen upcoming talents in the field of photography: Chung Shun-Lung, Deng Bo-Reng, Feng Chun-Lan, Sim Chang, Chang Hsiao-Chen, Chen Pin-Hua, Yang Chen-Hao, Chou Chih-Lung, Elaine Lee, Lin Chih-Yu, Chiang Ssu-Hsien, Wang Wan-Yu, and David H. Through their works, the exhibition aims to depict the image perspective of the new era, which goes beyond the traditional and conservative notion of photography held by past generations. The starting point of such transformation and possibilities is marked by the mutual integration between designs, drawings, and digital media technology. This group of creators place great importance in the “expression of individualism,” reflected in their work’s freedom when it comes to process and selection of medium. For them, artworks are projections of personal emotions and attitudes towards life. Different from works that borrow “social events” as theme, the artists of the new generation live in the moment, emphasizing individual will and manifestation of oneself, and actively guiding the audience to become part of a predefined context.

In younger generations, new ideologies and visual breakthroughs inspire diverse appearances of photography. In Taiwan’s development of photography, the popularity of photography is largely due the accessibility of cameras. The integration between life and photography has become a trend: through the Internet, young people can exchange, share experiences in photography and show their own images. It is one of the goals of the exhibition to gather more enthusiast of this new generation of photography, encouraging them to become part of this creative discipline as they live in the mainstream culture. Also, to motivate them into establishing diverse dialogues with today’s complex society, determining the future of Taiwan’s photography, and crafting what it might become the appearance of this new generation of photography.



Artists 參展藝術家

Feng Chun-Lan 馮君藍
Sim Chang 張哲榕
Chang Hsiao-Chen 張小成
Chung Shun-Lung 鍾順龍
Chen Pin-Hua 陳斌華
Yang Chen-Hao 楊鎮豪
Chiang Ssu-Hsien 江思賢
Elaine Lee 李宣儀
Chou Chih-Lung 周志龍
Deng Bo-Reng 鄧博仁
Wang Wan-Yu 王琬瑜
Lin Chih-Yu 林芝宇
David H.
H.W Suan 全會華


Considering himself as a foolish sinner, though with mercy of God, he has dedicated himself to the mission. He follows His steps and is willing to be the servant of God and everyone. He serves as a pastor at Rhenish Youfu Chruch and also works as amateur artist.


Enjoying taking photos, he has been moving from Taipei to Taichung and studying the art of photography for three years. Among all, he prefers to take human figures for he is fond of being with people. By each single shoot he hopes to express his feeling and to connect himself with the world.


Born in 1971 in Taipei, he studied at the FOTOSOFT Institute of Photography since 1993. During the course from 1996 to 2007, he served as the photo editor for the Cash Box Magazine. From 2007 till now, his own studio, the Chang Hsiao-Chen Photography Studio was formally established. In 2008, he was honorably selected as a qualified candidate for 97-1 Fine Art Exhibition sponsored by the National Culture and Arts Foundation. In 2008, his solo exhibition “Street Scenes” was displayed at TIVAC. In 2009, he joined the 2009 Joint Exhibition, Polaroid-The Final Tour at TIVAC. In 2010, his photographs were displayed at the Taiwan Classic Photography Exhibition held by the Tainan Branch of the Shin Kong Mitsukohsi Department Store. Currently, he is a freelancer with his best endeavoring effort in photography and art creation.

2002年畢業於倫敦大學金匠學院影像傳播學系碩士班, 現職為自由攝影,作品關注人類文明發展所帶來的社會變遷。

MA at Goldsmiths College of University of London in 2002, he works as an freelance Photographer now. His main concern of art creation is social evolution caused by development of human civilization.

2008年畢業於臺灣大學外國語文學系,個展「關於台北」(2004)、「萬花鏡」(2007)、「立體快照」(2009)、「南島」(2010) 及「午後寫真」(2011)。聯展「台灣攝影作家展」(2007)、「造型攝影」(2009)及「超現攝影」(2010),並曾於日本及香港等地展出。

He graduated from National Taiwan University in 2008 and majored in Foreign Language and Literature. His solo exhibitions as followed: “About Taipei” (2004), “Kaleidoscope” (2007). “Stereo Snapshots” (2009), “South Island” (2010), “Afternoon Photographs” (2011); Collective exhibitions: “Nigra sum sed Formosa” (2007), “Plastic Photography” (2009), “Beyond Reality” (2010).

曾任職於攝影家雜誌社、大愛電視台,現為台灣大學攝影社指導老師。台北詩歌節、EPSON台灣尊榮賞優選,2009 Photo Taipei受邀展出,並參與多項生命關懷教育計畫。

He used to work at International Photographer Magazine and DaAi TV, and is now the adviser of NTU Photo Club. Most of all, he was awarded the best prize from Taipei Poetry Festival and Epson Taiwan Premium Contest. He was invited to the Youth Artists Exhibition in Photo Taipei 2009. Additionally, he is involved in many projects of life education.

1994畢業於東吳大學商用數學系。目前從事攝影藝術創作與攝影教學,舉辦多次個展和參與聯展,主要展覽 : 2005年《Homeless》個展於日本東京Nikon Salon;2005年「流浪之歌」中德攝影家聯展於台北;2008年入選2008台灣美術雙年展「家」於國美館;2010年入選中國平遙國際攝影大展 「海上星光」。

Graduated from Soochow University, majored in Business Mathematics, he currently works as an freelance photographer and as a teacher of photography. He participated in many exhibitions: “Homeless” (Tokyo, 2005), “Songs of Rangers”(Taipei, 2005). He was also selected in Taiwan Biennail 2008 (Taichung, 2008) and China Ping Yao International Photography Festival (Pingyao, 2010).


Born in Taiwan, she then studied in Australia for exploring western culture and her own vision. Elaine pursued an education in the arts with the dream for capturing famous scenery of the world. Completing her Bachelor of Arts in Photography at the RMIT, Elaine has already proven her ability and talent through being awarded runner up at Australia Institution of Professional Photographer Student Photographer of The Year.

2005年畢業於中原大學室內設計研究所,現職為合十室內設計主持人。2008年獲得台灣國際視覺藝術中心「第四屆TIVAC 365傳統攝影獎」首獎。喜歡藉由攝影創作,思考日常生活中的異化。

MA in Interior Design of Chung Yuan Christian University, he is now the leader of Heshi Design Company. He won the first Price of 「The 4th Edition of TICAC 365 Classical Photography」by Taiwan International Visual Art Center. His Artist statement: Thinking about the alienation occurred in our daily life through the process of photography.


Born in Pingdong in 1969, he currently works in media industry. The main themes for his photographic works are fashion and consumerism. He loves to create photographic art and is fascinated by the interconnections and dynamics of people, city and environment.

1987年生於台北,畢業於實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系。2007年獲台北美術獎入選,並多次獲邀參加畫廊及美術館群展,如夏可喜畫廊「新的傳統」、關渡美術館「Room 19」、也趣畫廊It Must Be Your Sexy Way」。2009年出版攝影集《ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU》。

Born in Taipei in 1987, she graduated from Shih Chien University majored in Communication Design. She was selected in Taipei Arts Awards 2007 and participated in many group exhibitions, such as “The Tradition of the New” in Sakshi Art Gallery, “Room 19” in Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, “ It Must Be Your Sexy Way” in Aki Gallery. 2009 she published the Album of her Photography titled “Anyone Else But You”.

2005年畢業於荷蘭烏茲勒支藝術學院EMMA媒體藝術碩士,曾旅居台北,雪梨、鹿特丹、上海等地,作品著重以擬像世代角度截取現實切面作為自身存在的反思。曾獲攝影新人獎,數位攝影新人獎優選,2009年以似雪感(snowy)攝影「白色醬油」獲GEISAI TAIWAN村上隆獎,受邀參展日本東京GEISAI JP#14,及《Finding New Star》Kaikai Kiki Taipei 開幕暨GEISAI成果展。2010年新作「消影系列」,受邀2010台北藝術博覽會,國泰世華藝術中心:「掠影」新風景四人展。個人作品典藏於荷蘭Westland Museum和私人收藏家。

MA of Media Art of Utrecht School of the Arts in Holland, he lives and works in Taipei, Sydney, Rotterdam, Shanhai and many different cities. His creation focuses on introspection of one’s existence, which is revealed through realistic sections on the age of virtual vision. He won prices of New Photographer and New Photographer of Digital Photography. In 2009 his work “White Soy Sauce” which has so called “Snowy” quality won Takashi Murakami Price in Geisai Taiwan. He was also invited to join the exhibition of Geisai JP #14 in Tokyo and took part in the opening of the exhibition “Finding New Art” in Kaikai KiKi Taipei. His new works “Vanishing Images Series” was invited to join 2010 Art Taipei. The exhibition of four Artists “Sweeping Images” was presented by Cathy Gallery. His artworks were collected by Westland Museum in Holland and private collectors.


MA of Film- Art and Photography, he worked as a Supervisor of an electronics company based on China. Now he is the observer of Art by TAVAC. His research focuses on art and Taiwan relationship.

全會華,1980年畢業於東京工藝大學短大部(Tokyo Institute of Ploytechnics),現職為TIVAC台灣國際視覺藝術中心執行長,從事藝術攝影創作與策展人之工作,主要策展有:2006年 「看見世界光影」(北京 上海)、2007年「美而廉風華再現」(A Legend of ROSE MARIE)(台北)、2010年「超現‧攝影」(Beyond Reality)(台北),個人作品典藏於臺北市立美術館與私人收藏。

Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Ploytechnics in 1980, he is now the CEO of Taiwan International Visual Art Center. He works as photographer and curator. The curated exhibitions are followed: “See the Light of the World”(Peiking, Shanghai, 2006), “A Legend of Rose Marie”(Taipei, 2007), “Beyond Reality”(Taipei, 2010). His artworks are collected by Taipei Fine Arts Museum and private collectors.

Artworks 作品介紹

Well Prepared Virgin 《預備著的童女》
The Shepherd Boy David 《月夜 /牧童大衛》
Dust 《微塵》
Waiting for God 《期待上帝》
Little Samuel 《童子撒母耳》
Peripatetic 《逍遙》
Daniel 《持菊》
Elapsed 《昨日》



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